
This year Steve Bateson of Runningpix was there you take photographs of the event.

If anyone is interested they can find the pictures Here.

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Results 2015

Here are the results.

Finishers Results.

Prize winners.

Male Teams.

Female Teams.


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Final Entry List 2015

The final entry list is now available Here!

Runners Cards will be with everyone next week.

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Trophies from last year.

If anyone has any trophies from last year can you please return them to us, contact for further details.
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Changing facilities and showers

Due to a fire at the changing facilities, the showers are no longer available.
Lochaber Leisure Centre will allow runners to use their showers until 4.30pm.
There will also be very limited parking at Claggan Park.
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Important notice from The Ben Nevis Race Association

The Ben Nevis Race Association would like to ask all entrants not to train on the Grassy Bank as there are on-going discussions with Scottish Natural Heritage over future use.

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Club memberships and fees

It has come to our attention that some runners are not paid up members of an athletic/running club, could all runners please ensure that they have paid their memberships.

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Turas Tony

Solus Productions Ltd filmed a documentary for BBC ALBA during the Ben Nevis Race 2014. This programme is called ‘Turas Tony’ and featured actor/presenter Tony Kearney as he literally follows in his late father and Uncle’s footsteps and attempts the Ben Race.

It can be viewed on the iPlayer.

Tony follows in his late father’s footsteps as he enters the Ben Nevis Race.
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Results List 2013

Thank you to all the runners and supporters today.

The results list is now available here !

The Prize List is now available here !

The Ladies Team List is now available here !

The Men’s Team List is now available here !

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Important notice from The Ben Nevis Race Association

The Ben Nevis Race Association would like to ask all entrants not to train on the
Grassy Bank as there are ongoing discussions with Scottish Natural Heritage over
future use.

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