Ben Nevis Race 2021

Unfortunately, due to the continued uncertainty regarding Covid -19 and any extra safety precautions that may still be required, the committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Ben Nevis Race.
We apologise for the inconvenience our decision causes and we thank everyone for their continued support.  We hope to see you next year on the 3rd September 2022.
Emails have been sent out via SiEntries to all those individuals who deferred from last year and are on our provisional and reserve lists, please follow the instructions carefully.
PLEASE NOTE: We will not be issuing invitations to anyone on the waiting list until early next year (date to be decided). You will be offered a place before we consider opening the entries to anyone else. We feel that under the circumstances this is the fairest that we can be.

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Ben Nevis Race 2021

I’m sure people will be wondering and hoping about the Ben Nevis Race this year. The committee will be making a final decision in early May.
We will be in touch with all the runners through SiEntries once a decision is made and we shall also issue a statement.

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200 Club winners

Even though this years race was cancelled we decided to still hold our race day draw. Congratulations to the winner Mrs P Hamilton, No.127, £1000.

Winner of the monthly draw for September was Mr C Wood, No.69, £75.

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Ben Nevis Race 2020

The committee have had a virtual meeting and in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic we have made the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Ben Nevis Race. While all our work was focused on having the event, we must prioritise the health and wellbeing of participants and their families, as well as the army of helpers and volunteers needed for race day. With limitations on gatherings still being implemented it was felt the only responsible decision was to cancel the event this year.

Emails have been sent out via SiEntries please follow the link and instructions carefully.

PLEASE NOTE: We will not be issuing invitations to anyone on the waiting list until early next year (date to be decided). You will be offered a place before we consider opening the entries to anyone else. We feel that under the circumstances this is the fairest that we can be.

We apologise for the inconvenience our decision causes and we thank everyone for their continued support.  We hope to see you next year.

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I know that many people are wanting to know about this year’s race and if it is going ahead. We are making our final decision this week, please look for an email from SiEntries towards the end of this week/beginning of next week as this is the quickest way to contact everyone. Once this email has been sent out we will update everyone on our facebook page and our website

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All of the invitations have been sent out. If you have received an invite can you please check that you are on the entry list. YOU MUST REMEMBER TO SAVE AND CONFIRM YOUR PAYMENT. You will receive an email from SiEntries confirming your payment (as long as you aren’t blocking emails from
There are a few invitations still to be accepted from the first batch that were sent out and this runs out at midnight on the 12th March. If places aren’t accepted by then you will be placed back on the waiting list and the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
If you haven’t received an invite you will be placed on the waiting list and will receive an invitation if a place becomes available.
Please do not contact us to ask where you are on the list we will not give out this information, we are happy to confirm that you are indeed on the waiting list but that is all.

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AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th March at 8pm in the West End Hotel, all welcome.

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This year’s race to Saturday 5th

This year’s race is on Saturday 5th September and entries will go live on Sunday 1st March at 1200 hours.

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Official Photos 2019

Here is a link to the photos on the website from the official photographer Steve Bateson

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Ben Nevis Race 2019 Finishers

Well done to all the runners.

The Finishers list can be found here!

The Prize Winners list can be found here!

The Male Teams list can be found here!

The Female Teams list can be found here!

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